
Ultraman Nexus Cosplay

Ultraman Nexus is the story of a young man named Jun Himeya, who has the ability to transform into the giant hero, Ultraman Nexus. He is part of a special task force called NIGHTMARE, which was created to battle mysterious monsters known as "Space Beasts". Along with his partner, Komon, and their superior officer, Commander Takafumi Tamano, Jun must protect Earth from these creatures while uncovering the secrets of his own past.

Ultraman Nexus follows the story of Jun Himeya and his transformation into Ultraman Nexus. As he battles Space Beasts alongside his team at NIGHTMARE, he begins to discover more about himself and his origins. Throughout the series, Jun learns that he is connected to an ancient race known as Ultras and discovers that he has great power within him. With this power comes responsibility and Jun must use it wisely in order to save humanity from destruction. Along the way he makes allies like Komon and Tamano as well as enemies such as Belial and Gloker Bishop. As Jun continues his journey to become a true hero, he will face many challenges that will test both his strength and courage.


