
Great Pretender Cosplay

Makoto Edamura is a straightforward yet effective conman who has turned his hobby into a living. After defrauding an elderly woman one day with his sidekick Kudou, the two of them attempt to obtain another bonus in a snack shop by robbing a seeming-harmless Frenchman. The transaction appears to have gone without a hitch, but to Makoto's surprise, all of his money has vanished.

But things become worse because the police are now after him. In a desperate attempt to flee, he decides to follow the aforementioned Frenchman Laurent Thierry, a brilliant con artist, to Los Angeles in order to go into hiding and recover his money. However, he becomes personally entangled in one of Laurent's elaborate plans there: a drug trade that dwarfs everything Makoto has so far accomplished in terms of work and potential reward.

Makoto is caught in a catch-22: on the one hand, the profit sharing seemed too alluring, but on the other, all he truly wanted was to get even with Laurent and then leave as soon as possible. Makoto must choose his future collaborators as the endeavor grows riskier and more ambiguous for him. Does he compromise his morals or Laurent? Or will he ultimately betray everyone once more?