
God of War Cosplay

God of War : Ascension is a third-person action-adventure video game developed by Santa Monica Studio and published by Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE). The game is the seventh installment in the God of War series and prequel to the entire series. Loosely based on Greek mythology, the game is set six months after Kratos was tricked into killing his wife and daughter by Ares, the God of War. Kratos has since been imprisoned for breaking his blood oath with Ares. In an attempt to break free from his bondage, he calls upon the gods to help him escape. The player controls Kratos as he fights monsters and gods in a quest to find freedom from his imprisonment.

The gameplay focuses on combo-based combat with weapons like swords, spears, and shields. Other features include puzzle solving elements, platforming challenges, an upgradeable weapon system, magic attacks and environmental puzzles. The game also features multiplayer modes where up to eight players can compete against each other in various challenges such as Capture the Flag or Team Deathmatch.

The story follows Kratos as he attempts to break free from his oaths to Ares while dealing with other gods who seek vengeance against him for past deeds. Along his journey he meets several allies who aid him in battle including Orkos and Athena; enemies such as Hades and Poseidon; and powerful creatures such as Cyclopes and Gorgons. As Kratos progresses through each level, he must overcome various obstacles while learning more about himself and what it means to be a true god of war.