
Detroit Metal City Cosplay

How is this even possible? enquires the young musician Souichi Negishi, who has relocated to Tokyo from the country to pursue his studies. He enjoys drinking tea, enjoying Swedish pop music, and having only one wish: world peace. It is difficult to believe he is the guitarist and lead vocalist for the death metal group Detroit Metal City. He yells lyrics about sex, rape, and murder over his microphone as Krauser during performances. The three band members' private lives provide a very different picture: They are just regular men who have no connection to metal or the metal scene.

Then Yuri, a former classmate of Souichi's, reappears in his life, and everything spirals out of control. Yuri detests Krauser the most out of all the DMC members. Negishi now attempts to avoid disappointing his admirers while also hiding his forced double life from Yuri.