
Cautious Hero: The Hero Is Overpowered but Overly Cautious Cosplay

In the anime adaptation of Saori Toyota's light novel of the same name, Cautious Hero: The Hero Is Overpowered but Overly Cautious, we follow the goddess Ristarte as she is tasked by her superiors with preventing the destruction of the world of Gaeabrande, a world that resembles a video game on Super Hard difficulty. To do this, Ristarte must select an earthling and summon him as a hero, allowing her to accompany him in his destiny as an advisor and supporter. The Seiya that was summoned in this manner has a sort of cheat rank and is overly powerful, but regrettably, at least just as carefully! Ristarte thinks very carefully and long about it because not only the world to be rescued depends on it, but also her reputation!

The great hero spends a lot of time working out in his room to prepare for anything as a precaution in addition to living a pretty pricey lifestyle and purchasing all of his equipment in triplicate (something could break!). It also becomes clear that he doesn't value restraint at all when he needs to fight a couple of weak slime monsters; full broadside is the attitude, just to be safe.